Knight NFT's

ERC-721 Polygon NFT's

Each Knight is an ERC-721 Polygon token with on-chain metadata. This allows you to upgrade the level of your Knight on-chain, keeping the stats even if it is sold or used in another game.

To be played into the arena, Knights have to be staked into the Barracks.

The are three different rarities of knights, each with their own rank of knights:


Axe Fighter

An Axe Fighter is skilled in the art of battle with a strong sense of honor.


A thief is cunning and stealthy, a master of disguise able to sneak into the most heavily guarded areas.



Knights are noble and honorable, trained in the ways of combat and sworn to defend the weak and innocent.

Spear Knight

Skilled and deadly, a Spear Knight is a master of both offense and defense, using the spear to devastating effect on the battlefield.


A Bishop is a defender of the faith, willing to use every ounce to strength to protect the kingdom.


Trained in the art of combat with the bow and arrow, Archers are fearless masters of long-range attack with deadly accuracy.


Lance Knight

The Lance Knight is one of the most powerful knights in the Kingdom and master of tactical offense.

Axe Knight

The fierce Axe Knight is one of the most powerful heavy-hitting knights on the battlefield.

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